Mile Stones & Waymarkers of the UK

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I like collecting mile stones from the car window, when we are out and about on our travels around the UK.  I did post them separately, but its that old thing time, just not enough of it.  I am having a spring clean of photos, and I found quite a few and thought one post for all of them… much easier and really its just to keep a record of them.  What does amazes me is the fact, that in each part of the country, they differ so much from each other.  

There is quite a bit of history concerning waymarkers or mile stones, with some that date back to Roman times, but the ones that I am interested in date from 1697.  This is when William III passed an act decreeing that in the more remote parts of the kingdom, where two or more paths intersected, the local surveyors were to erect guide stones showing the way to the nearest market town.

6 Replies to “Mile Stones & Waymarkers of the UK”

  1. I love your photos of all these different mile markers. I think one of the reasons I’m so attracted to the UK is that people know how to hold on to their history while still embracing the present and future.

    1. Thank you, glad you like them. Oh we like to keep hold of our ancient things, which really means anything and everything thats old and we just fit in around them. Which is quite interesting as there is so much history surrounding us 🙂 Lynne

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