Achnacroish Old Pier & Farewell to the Isle of Lismore, Scotland

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The old ferry building and pier at Achnacroish on the Isle of Lismore, off the west coast of Scotland.  This, in years gone past, is were you would have landed or embarked, but now there is a slipway, which the car ferry lowers it’s ramp onto and then you sail to or return from Oban.  This is what we did in May 2016 and I have posted loads of photos of this beautiful little island, but this post is about leaving the Island……until next year 🙂




It is now dangerous to enter the building and really even to walk to the end, we stayed well back and I zoomed in for some close ups.  I found a plaque on the wall dated 1880, I should think this was the date the pier was built.   It does make a nice subject to photograph when you are waiting for the ferry, and as we were waiting, the sun came out for the first time all day.






This is how you do it now, a lot safer, roll on roll off.  There are also some wonderful views to admire while you try to pick out the little ferry on the horizon.  Although Nancy didn’t really want to leave, just look at that face.  We did enjoy our trip and it has given us a taste to go back again and hopefully the sun will shine next time.




The sailing takes about an hour, the trip was quite smooth and Nancy and my husband did some sun bathing on the deck.






8 Replies to “Achnacroish Old Pier & Farewell to the Isle of Lismore, Scotland”

    1. Thanks Jo, it takes an hour, but its a lovely trip. On the way over, there were three elderly ladies with their shopping bags full of goodies and they had spent the morning in Oban ….. I so wanted to take their photos and ask if they had always lived on the Island…..I just wish I had had the nerve to ask, but I think as they were talking together in Gaelic, it seemed rude to interrupt them 🙂 When you do go, keep a look out for my castle rock 🙂

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