Lyveden New Bield, Northamptonshire

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We decided on Bank Holiday Monday to visit Northamptonshire, a very special place, Lyveden New Bield, an Elizabethan House.  It was pouring in rain, but when has that ever stopped the intrepid explorers, armed with umbrellas…….no we forgot ours and had to borrow some from the National Trust.  It was worth wet feet, also forgot welly boots, for this is a totally amazing place, its not a ruin, it was just never finished.  It has stood here since 1605……but this is not a post of the building, that is to follow, this is me changing a building to black and white hopefully to make it look timeless.  This is the most perfect building to change, as it is timeless itself, hardly changed in 400 years.


6 Replies to “Lyveden New Bield, Northamptonshire”

  1. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anything like that before. It seems fantastic that it would be left that way for 400 years. Wonder what it would take to finish it today. A small fortune, I’m sure. Looking forward to hearing more.

  2. What an extraordinary place! As if it’s frozen in time. The walls look to be still in a good state of repair. I just love your photos – quite surreal.

    1. Thank you, I was trying to make them look timeless 🙂 Its is great shape, you could finish it off, but you would need some plumbing, floors and a roof, but apart from it wold be fine LOL, plus about a million £’s 🙂

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